Billy Bitzer

"The Red Man's View" is a short Western directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring actor Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

A native American tribe is driven away from their land by the conquerors, one of which is Arthur Johnson.

"Hearts of the world" is a war drama directed by D. W. Griffith. This film illustrates the work of actor Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. 

Two American families share a house in a peaceful French town.  The Boy (Robert Harron) of one family  and the Girl (Lillian Gish) of the other have a romance.

When the war breaks out the Boy joins the army and the Girl puts her wedding dress in a box.  Despite heroic resistance from the defenders of the town, they are overcome by the brutal onslaught of the enemy.  

"A Romance Of Happy Valley" is a drama directed by D. W. Griffith. This film illustrates the work of actor Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. 

John (Robert Harron) is a country boy working on his father's corn fields.  One day John meets a New York man, whose stories about wealth stir his imagination and he decides to leave for the big city in search of luck and fortune.  Jennie (Lillian Gish) is left behind to wait for him.

"A Drunkard's Reformation" (1909) is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Robert Harron has a small role as a theater usher.

"Way Down East" is a poignant drama directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Lillian Gish. This film illustrates the work of cinematographer Billy Bitzer, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

The film tells the story about a society that ostracizes women for having a child out of wedlock.  Anna meets a man, who, in order to get her affections, sets up a fake marriage with her.  Then after she becomes pregnant he betrays her.  Anna's baby dies and she is banned from the boarding house. 


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