"Hearts of the world" is a war drama directed by D. W. Griffith. This film illustrates the work of actor Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.
Two American families share a house in a peaceful French town. The Boy (Robert Harron) of one family and the Girl (Lillian Gish) of the other have a romance.
When the war breaks out the Boy joins the army and the Girl puts her wedding dress in a box. Despite heroic resistance from the defenders of the town, they are overcome by the brutal onslaught of the enemy.
The Boy crosses the enemy lines and gets back in town, where he finds the Girl. Their hideout is discovered, however, and they perform a symbolic ceremony to meet death as man and wife. Then they hear the noise of the advancing friendly troops.
The allied attack to liberate the town seems a race against the clock for the Boy and the Girl just as enemy soldiers are trying to break the door of their shelter.
Directed by D. W. Griffith
Produced by D. W. Griffith
Scenario by M. Gaston de Tolignac (D.W. Griffith)
Starring Lillian Gish, Robert Harron, Dorothy Gish
Cinematography Billy Bitzer
Editing by Rose Smith, James Smith
Distributed by Paramount Pictures
Release date 12 March, 1918
Running time 1 hour, 58 minutes
Country United States
Language Silent film, English intertitles
You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.
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