His Prehistoric Past is a 1914 American Short subject silent film comedy film, written and directed by Charlie Chaplin, featuring a Chaplin in a stone-age kingdom trying to usurp the crown of King Low-Brow to win the affections of the king's favorite wife. The film was Chaplin's last at Keystone Studios.
Set in the stone age, King Low-Brow rules the land and a harem of wives. When Charlie arrives in this land (where every man has one thousand wives), he falls in love with the King's favorite wife. When the King falls over a cliff, he is presumed dead and Charlie crowns himself King. The King, however, is not dead and comes back and bashes Charlie over the head with a rock. It turns out it was a dream and a police man bashed Charlie over the head with his club because he was sleeping in the park.
Charlie Chaplin as Weak-Chin
Mack Swain as King Low-Brow
Fritz Schade as Ku-Ku aka Cleo, Medicine Man
Cecile Arnold as Cavewoman
Al St. John as Caveman
Sydney Chaplin as Policeman
Gene Marsh as Sum-Babee, Low-Brow's Favorite Water Maiden