
Presented by LIFE and Fortune Magazines, an animated economic overview of the rise of the "middle income consumer." Directed by Steve Muffatti,animated by Ben Farish, Bill Hudson, Keith Robinson, and Howard Smith. Produced by Transfilm. 0661 PA8718 Opportunities Unlimited 16 Koda comp print;

AMEDD Office Basic Course, LP # 44 150 502 00 on Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. The year is unknown, but the lecturing officer speaks repeatedly of psychological tactics used on POWs during the Korean War, and gives many specifics and insights about the types of situations that these soldiers encountered. A list of six articles is discussed that provide a framework for future soldiers dealing with these situations.

World Travelogue sponsored by Coca-Cola. 0731 PA8798 Wonderful World from 037.08

Distributed by Young America Films, Presented by Emerson Yorke Studios in New York City, with cooperation and contributions from the US Public Health Service, New Jersey State Agricultural Experimentation Station at Rutgers University, and the Rockefeller Foundation International Health Division. 0653 PA8778 Life Cycle of the Mosquito, The

Home movie showing travels to key U.S. tourist destinations, mostly by air.

Steps in the completion of a newspaper story from recording the incident through the taking & finishing of pictures, writing, editing, setting in type, printing the paper & distributing it are depicted. Produced by Encyclopedia Britannica Films, Inc. in collaboration with Kenneth E. Olson, LL.D, Northwestern University.

0629 PA8770 [Parade in New York] 16 Koda orig pix


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