Marion Leonard

"The Voice Of The Violin" is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

"The Sealed Room" is a short drama and horror film directed by D.W. Griffith. The film is included in our program to illustrate the work of actor Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Different cites refer to works by either Honoré de Balzac or Edgar Allan Poe or both as the basis for the film's scenario.

"Politician's Love Story" is a short comedy directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Florence Lawrence also gets a credit for the film, but it is difficult to spot her.  We did see and took a picture of D.W. Griffith as he makes a little acting appearance in addition to the director's job (see it on our website

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