Fleischer Studios

I Think this other rare Betty Boop Jewel Needs To be shared worldwide, Buzzy Boop which was thought to be another of the lost Betty Boop Cartoons. and like all other Betty Boop cartoons it should also be owned by public domain. This is the Full Version of Buzzy Boop & it is in english also unlike the youtube version the ending actually isnt cut out. Uploaded by BoopBoopaddoop Betty Boop & Buzzy Boops voice is provided by kate wright

Working in the story department of Surprise Pictures, Olive Oyl writes a script based on the story of Aladdin, casting Popeye as the thief and herself as the Princess. For more details: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0031025/ In the Public Domain according to The Public-Domain Movie Database: http://www.pdmdb.org/content.asp?CatId=241&ContentType=&page_no=3&sortby=

A Fleischer cartoon in the Color Classics series. Plot taken from IMDb: Honeymooning couples of various animal species take a rocket ship excursion to the moon. Spectacular lunar scenery.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty travels to an invention show just full of crazy inventions. Betty and her friends demonstrate various doodads and gadgets.

The Betty Boop Cinderella cartoon is already up on this site (http://www.archive.org/details/bb_poor_cinderella). This new copy isn't perfect, but it might be more true to the Fleischer style and the Cinecolor of the 1930s.


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