Betty Boop

Betty's Second apperance. (1930) Her voice is provided by Margie Hines. Betty goes by the name of Nancy Lee. As Nancy she's rather freakish in the marionette way she moves her legs & when she screws up her face she's horridly ugly. Had there been a "progression" of a primitive Betty to the Betty we are happiest to know & love.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty operates a pet store where Henry wishes to purchase a puppy. Betty believes that everybody should have a pet and Henry agrees and works in the shop in hopes of getting a puppy. He gets into trouble with a monkey, dances with a dog, and accidently releases some birds. Betty is irate but rewards Henry with a puppy after he captures all of the birds.

Uploaded By BoopBoopaddoop I Think This Needs to be shared worldwide, its owned by public domain like every other betty boop cartoon exsept this was thought to be one of the lost cartoons. voice is by kate wright its basically mostly about pudgy the dog, Betty Boop is mainly unseen in this cartoon she makes a few small apperences from the beggining to the end, other than the cat from an earlier betty boop cartoon called happy you & merry me makes a return also with his mother.

Betty's first apperance (1930) as a Helen Kane-like Caricature who is perform's on stage for bimbo she performs in somewhere which looks simuler to the Cotton Club nightclub in Harlem , only problem is she is that Betty is nameless and is a anthropomorphic French poodle. Betty's floppy poodle ears later became hoop earrings in the Betty Boop cartoon series, and her black poodle nose becomes a girl's button-like nose. Betty's voice is provided by Margie Hines in this Cartoon Short. like all the Betty Boop series this is Public domain. Uploaded by BoopBoopaddoop...


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