"Those Awful Hats" is a very short comedy directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Robert Harron, Florence Lawrence and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

This is a rare attempt at comedy by D.W. Griffith.  Florence Lawrence gets credit for the film, but it is hard to spot her in the audience, unlike a very young Robert Harron, who has a prominent role together with Mack Sennett.

You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.

"Lightning Bryce" is a Western cliffhanger serial featuring Jack Hoxie, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

This is episode 4, entitled "The Noose".  There is action, intrigue, and even a "Mystery Woman".  Stay tuned, 11 more episodes are coming.

Extremely boring stock footage of a road in Mount Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. (video 3)

Extremely boring stock footage of a road in Mount Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. (video 1)

Extremely boring stock footage of a road in Mount Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. (video 2)

Everything you didn't want to know about rubber boots, with Conrad Nagle, Drew Pearson and Bootman, Leonard Rochell.

"Lightning Bryce" is a Western cliffhanger serial featuring Jack Hoxie, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

This is episode 3, entitled "Perilous Trails".  There is action, intrigue, and even a "Mystery Woman".  Stay tuned, 12 more episodes are coming.

"Something New" is a suspenseful Western drama, featuring Nell Shipman, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

In this film horseback bandits chase a car on a rugged terrain in Mexico.

Nell Shipman was a Canadian. She was an actress portraying strong female characters that liked the outdoors and adventures.

"The dream of Dr. Robert Goddard, the father of rocketry, is explored and examined through reminiscences of Mrs. Esther Goddard. Included in the film are historic scenes of Dr. Goddard's early experiments and the personal commentary of Mrs. Goddard."
National Archives Identifier:     45003


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