Sloucho Barx (aka Tim Arnold) did this show featuring public domain cartoons and shorts back in the eighties on East Lansing MI Public Access. They still show these every Friday Night on Public Access in Fort Wayne IN. A full show runs six hours. This upload runs about 39 minutes and features Roger Ramjet, a Doral commercial, Freddie the Freshman, Mickey Mouse in "The Mad Doctor", an Almond Joy commercial, Woody Woodpecker in "The Loose Nut" & Daffy Duck in "Stupor Duck".

Singers Lucille and Johnny, whose radio show is sponsored by Oldsmobile, are invited to visit the Olds factory to see why the product is superior. While touring the plant, Johnny becomes concerned that another visitor is a Martian spy dedicated to subverting Earth's autonomy. Some might call this film a McCarthyite allegory; others a slow-moving plant tour. Story: Gordon Miller. Camera: John Niklasch. Sound: Ray Esh. Editor: John Cook. Director: Lewis D. Collins. With Lucille and Johnny (Themselves); Barry Hopkins (Mr. Clark); Arnold Coty (Mr. Martin).

The 15th in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics series of cartoons, in which orphans receive defective Christmas presents, and Professor Grampy comes to the rescue.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: A fortune teller tries to work his magic in order to get up close & personal with Betty. He shows her the days of her youth in his crystal ball as well as her being stranded on a deserted island. Then he shows himself rescuing her from the island, but also inadvertently releases an unsavory group of ghosts who chase the pair through a jungle that also magically appeared. The pair loses the ghosts using the hollow-log-over-the-cliff trick.

(Public domain cartoon) Was amazed when I watched this 1941 Superman cartoon ("The Mechanical Monsters") and recognized that "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" (2004) copied the opening robot attack almost shot for shot. Same angles, same flying robot design, and even the way they swing their arms while walking.

The 20th in Fleischer Studios Color Classics cartoon series, in which a young fish learns to pay attention to his school lessons.

Felix investigates a haunting.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty, her dog Bimbo, & Koko The Clown are in a car race where Betty wins even though she is under the weather.

Hungry Felix responds to an advertisement in the newspaper promising a reward for proof that "Man Comes from Monkey". His search for proof takes him to South Africa via a Trans-Atlantic cable. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

A Classic Warner Brothers Cartoon. A gentleman listens to a gas station attendant talk about his adventures panning for gold.


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