"The Taming of the Shrew" is a short comedy based on the play of Shakespeare, featuring Florence Lawrence and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.
The first thing we want to do is set the record straight about the name of the actor playing Petruchio. All major movie sites, including IMDB and Silent Era, as well as Wikipedia, cite the name of Arthur V. Johnson, but this is wrong. We cannot see Arthur V. Johnson in this film. We will appreciate your tips about the identity of this actor. In the meantime we will call him Petruchio.
Florence Lawrence delivers an inspired and truly stellar performance as the ill-tempered Katherina.
Directed by D.W. Griffith
Cinematography by Billy Bitzer, Arthur Marvin
Starring Florence Lawrence, Linda Arvidson, Harry Solter, George Gebhardt
Distributed by Biograph Company
Release date November 10, 1908
Country United States
Running time 11 m.
You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.
Silent Hall of Fame is the only place where we actively work to bring back from oblivion the names and legacy of formerly illustrious silent movie stars, which have made a major contribution to the industry and the world but do not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
We also fight for your right, the right of the public, to see silent masterpieces that have been kept in hidden vaults for far too long. Our website streams for free one such masterpiece that has not been seen in 85 years and is not available anywhere else.
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Preserving the legacy of silent movie stars