Swamp Women (1955 in film) was one of the first films directed by Roger Corman. This adventure film/crime film/horror film follows undercover police officer Lee Hampton who joins three female convicts and escapes from prison. The escape is part of a larger plot to uncover a cache of diamonds hidden deep within the swamps of Louisiana. This film is sometimes also known as
Cruel Swamp or
Swamp Diamonds. The film is now in the public domain. Years later,
Swamp Women was included as one of the choices in the book
The Fifty Worst Films of All Time.
In July 1993 the film was featured in the movie-mocking television show
Mystery Science Theater 3000 under the title
Swamp Diamonds.
The film was shot on location in Louisiana.
DVD releases
- The film has been released by multiple companies as a 'bargain box' disc.
- The MST3K version of the film was released by Rhino Entertainment as part of the Collection, Volume 10 (out-of-print on both Rhino's and Mst3k's official websites) and Collection, Volume 10.2 DVD sets. As of January 2010, Volume 10.2 is out-of-print on Rhino's official website, but still available on Mst3k's official website.
- This was also released as part of a large DVD box set of vintage exploitation films categorized; Girls Gone Bad.
See also
List of films in the public domain
Category:1955 films
Category:American films
Category:English-language films
Category:Independent films
Category:Directorial debut films
Category:Films directed by Roger Corman
Category:Films shot in New Orleans, Louisiana
Category:Films featured in Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes
Category:Exploitation films