His Double Life is a 1933 American comedy-drama film directed by Broadway theatrical impresario and first time film director Arthur Hopkins with directorial input from the experienced William C. deMille, Cecil's older brother. It starred Roland Young and Lillian Gish. It had been filmed before in 1921 in the silent era as
The Great Adventure (1921 film) with Lionel Barrymore, and was remade again in 1943 as
Holy Matrimony (1943 film). It is preserved at the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. and available on DVD.
Priam Farrel Roland Young is England's most famous living painter. A recluse who hates fame, he has not been seen by anyone, for years, not even his agent, or cousin. He is glad to be mistaken for his valet by everyone, including his cousin, when he returns to England. In this case of mistaken identity, he's happy to live a quiet country life with his manservant's mail order bride Lillian Gish. Until, he gets hauled into court for bigamy and fraud.
- Roland Young as Priam Farrel
- Lillian Gish as Alice Chalice
- Montagu Love as Duncan Farrel
- Lumsden Hare as Oxford
- Lucy Beaumont as Mrs. Leek
- Charles Richman (actor) as Witt
- Oliver Smith as Leek Twin - John
- Philip Tonge as Leek Twin - Henry
- Audrey Ridgewell as Lady Helen
- Regina DeValet as Mary
- "Someday, Sometime, Somewhere" (Written by James F. Hanley and Karl Stark)
- "Springtime in Old Granada" (Written by James F. Hanley and Karl Stark)
See also
Lillian Gish filmography
Category:1933 films
Category:1930s comedy-drama films
Category:American films
Category:American comedy-drama films
Category:English-language films
Category:Black-and-white films
Category:Films directed by William C. deMille