
Stock footage. HDTV (720p) timelapse footage of traffic in an intersection. Footage repeats, 50x then 10x. Shot in Calgary around 8th & 8th SW 4 PM (shoulda held out for rush hour). ... This footage is 16x9. IA seems to be ignoring that info and making its derivatives 4:3, so the thumbnails look wonky. Since the rez is so high, you can still use it as 4:3, just zoom in on the footage. ...

The clip shows the view through a train window, from Heby to Morgongåva west of Uppsala in Sweden. It's harvest time in the countryside and after a passage through a forest you stop in Morgongåva, an industrial village.

This is Clip 1 from the Thirty-second Archive release of our stock footage. This clip is from a public beach in Florida. This footage is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these Stock footage Clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access. Please don't try to just sell this footage as stock footage. You must use the material in some creative way to possess any rights to it.

A cowboy rides a bucking bronco in what appears to be a rodeo setting. He is either bucked off or makes an unceremonious dismount -- it's really hard to tell. This film was originally produced to be viewed in a Kinetoscope peep-show machine.

This is Clip 9 from the seventh Archive release of our stock footage. This clip is a shot of a Helicopter in flight. This footage is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these Stock footage Clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access. Please don't try to just sell this footage as stock footage. You must use the material in some creative way to possess any rights to it. It would be nice if you give credit to Ivan Bridgewater and the Internet Archive.

This is Clip 3 from the Forty-third Archive release of our stock footage. This is a simple wide screen Kaleidoscope clip of clouds that has been put thru a Green filter for use on your videos. Walt Disney used a Kaleidoscope shot to open each episode of The Wonderful World of Disney and I still enjoy them. This clip is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these stock footage clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access.

From a Depression-era documentary that describes the importance of the Mississippi River. Written and directed by Pare Lorentz The complete film can be found at:


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