
"The Luck o' the Foolish" is a nice Mack Sennett short comedy, directed by Harry Edwards and starring Harry Langdon and a charming 16 year young Marceline Day, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

"A Midsummer Night's Dream", produced by Vitagraph and directed by Charles Kent, is a short film based on the fantasy play of Shakespeare, featuring Florence Turner, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.  

Viewers are advised to read the plot that follows before proceeding with the film.

"In the Border States" is a short Civil War drama directed by D. W. Griffith, featuring cinematographer Billy Bitzer, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

The film deals with the human aspect of the war.  Representatives from both conflicting sides are forced to choose between the loyalty to their banner and the higher moral obligation to humanity.

"The First 100 Years" is a nice Mack Sennett short comedy, directed by Harry Sweet and starring Harry Langdon and Alice Day, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.  Even though only 14 minutes of the original 20 minutes survive, the film is very entertaining with a lot of action, laughs and scares.

You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website

"A Natural Born Gambler" is a short comedy starring Bert Williams and featuring cinematographer Billy Bitzer, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

Bert Williams was a major Broadway comedian.  He was invited by Biograph to write, direct and star in two films, with "A Natural Born Gambler" being the better one by all accounts.

Bert Williams loves poker and is on the verge of winning big (with the help of cheating) when the police intervenes and he is thrown in jail. There he has a dream of playing a poker hand, but will he win or will he lose?

"Twelfth Night", produced by Vitagraph and directed by Charles Kent, is a short film based on the comedy of Shakespeare, featuring Florence Turner, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.  

Viola (Florence Turner) is saved after a shipwreck and ends up dressed in man's clothes in the domains of a certain duke.  Viola becomes his servant and one day is asked to take a letter to duke's love interest Olivia.  The latter, seeing a boy bring the message, suddenly falls in love with Viola.

"The Governor's Special" is a short action film from a serial by the name of "The Hazards of Helen", featuring Helen Gibson, a star of Silent Hall of Fame. This is episode 76 from a total of 119 weekly one reel films produced by Kalem, showing just how popular this serial was in 1914-1917. The first 48 films starred Helen Holmes, the remaining 71 starred Helen Gibson. They both played heroines that were independent and adventurous, resolving dangerous situations with quick thinking. Their acting was very physical and they performed their often very dangerous stunts.

"The Count" is one of Charlie Chaplin's Mutual short comedies, featuring Edna Purviance, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website

Silent Hall of Fame is the only place where we actively work to bring back from oblivion the names and legacy of formerly illustrious silent movie stars, which have made a major contribution to the industry and the world but do not have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

"The Mended Lute" is a short native American drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring actress Florence Lawrence, actor Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Rising Moon (Florence Lawrence) is separated from the man she loves when her father gives her away to a wealthier suitor.  She manages to escape captivity and reunites with her man, but they have to flee by canoe on wild river rapids chased by the enemy.

"The Wild Engine" is a short action film from a serial by the name of "The Hazards of Helen", featuring Helen Holmes, a star of Silent Hall of Fame. This is episode 26 from a total of 119 weekly one reel films produced by Kalem, showing just how popular this serial was in 1914-1917. The first 48 films starred Helen Holmes, the remaining 71 starred Helen Gibson. They both played heroines that were independent and adventurous, resolving dangerous situations with quick thinking. Their acting was very physical and they performed their often very dangerous stunts.


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