
Mel-O-Toons sometimes erroneously called "Mello Toons", was a series of animated cartoons produced in 1960 by New World Productions and syndicated by United Artists. It featured various folk tales, Greco-Roman myths, Biblical stories, some original stories by author Thornton Burgess, classic stories, even adaptations of classical music and ballet. The soundtracks were often taken from existing children's records, licensed from the original labels. 104 cartoons, each about 6 minutes long, were produced in limited animation. -From Wikipedia

A humourous look at the Aleutian Islands and their strategic value.

A haggard mosquito complains how tough life is with the military taking the proper precautions against malaria infection.

Private Snafu and a Japanese sailor simultaneously land on a deserted island, discover each other and fight it out until the private kills the sailor and attempts to sell his sword as a souvenir.

tobor the talking robot made in Blender 2.5

Cartoon animation

A second (life) take on the Apple iPod silhouette ads and Daft Punk's Technologic track.

Brownie Bear is a South American cowboy who has a typical classic cowboy adventure in this Van Beuren Studios short.

Classic Fleischer Studios Technicolor Popeye cartoon from 1937. This is the better copy John_boy asked for back in 2005. This copy has the original Paramount mountain logo opening and closing the cartoon. Probably taken from the Paramount fully-restored re-release of the cartoon. Public domain.

This one is an old Walt Disney cartoon starring Oswald Rabbit


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