
Derivative Korean animated film, possibly edited from multiple sources. Low quality entertainment.

This one is the Van Beuren Studios Tom and Jerry. This gem was found on an old DVD that was found in an old storage locker.

Highest resolution version of's Minute Meme, "Copying Is Not Theft." This one is 1920 x 1080, 24 frames per second (1080p 24) and H.264 compressed.

This is a banned Talespin cartoon from my collection of banned and censored cartoons. When a group of people work to ban a certain media then part of their heritage is lost as a result. Many types of media I do not agree with, but I do not complain to have it banned. Remember the Soviet Union. They had to basically relearn their own history by going back to books written before the revolution. England knew nothing about their greatest heroes until the French occupation.

Blender 2.5, animation, sound, tutorial, lip sync, characters, dialogue, TOBOR, robot

Gabby helps to clean Lilliput's castle. Gabby is the know-it-all town crier of Lilliput from the movie Gulliver's Travles (1939).

A Walter Lantz cartoon of the famous or infamous story. The portrayal of blacks in this film is in the style of the cartoons of the day.

Superman must stop the lava flow from and erupting volcano from destroying a South American town, and maybe Lois Lane too.

animation of star wars action figures, used to make these all the time as a little kid.


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