"The Mended Lute" is a short native American drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring actress Florence Lawrence, actor Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Rising Moon (Florence Lawrence) is separated from the man she loves when her father gives her away to a wealthier suitor.  She manages to escape captivity and reunites with her man, but they have to flee by canoe on wild river rapids chased by the enemy.

"The Wild Engine" is a short action film from a serial by the name of "The Hazards of Helen", featuring Helen Holmes, a star of Silent Hall of Fame. This is episode 26 from a total of 119 weekly one reel films produced by Kalem, showing just how popular this serial was in 1914-1917. The first 48 films starred Helen Holmes, the remaining 71 starred Helen Gibson. They both played heroines that were independent and adventurous, resolving dangerous situations with quick thinking. Their acting was very physical and they performed their often very dangerous stunts.

"Shore Leave" is a nice romantic story, included in our program to illustrate the work and contributions of director John S. Robertson, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

"Bilge" Smith (Richard Barthelmess), a tough sailor, meets Connie Martin (Dorothy Mackaill), a seamstress in a small harbor who has never had a boyfriend.  Connie is instantly smitten.  She invites Smith to dinner, where he dances with her and gives her a kiss.  Connie has a hard time letting him go, and makes him promise that he will come back.

Here are just a few of the reviews for this film:

"The Sealed Room" is a short drama and horror film directed by D.W. Griffith. The film is included in our program to illustrate the work of actor Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Different cites refer to works by either Honoré de Balzac or Edgar Allan Poe or both as the basis for the film's scenario.

Girl Stars Train For Olympics

"Home, Sweet Home" is a drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

In order to appreciate this film the viewers should know that it consists of four independent stories with their own different plots and casts of actors. The four shorts are apparently united by a common theme.

"Hoodoo Ann" is a comedy-drama featuring Robert Harron, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

Ann (Mae Marsh) is a young girl living in an orphanage who was left there one Friday, the thirteenth.  Whether for this reason, or not, she is shunned by the other girls and disliked by the administrators. She is told during a palm reading that a curse will hang over her until she is married.

"Romance of a Jewess" is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Florence Lawrence, Arthur V. Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Florence Lawrence rejects her father's choice for her husband in favor of the man she loves. Her father loses control, kicks her out of his house and banishes her from his sight.  Years later the old man realizes his mistake and wants to make amends, but it is too late.


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