| Iwerks, summer, Animation, Cartoon, ClassicSummertime by UB Iwerks, 1935. This is one of a series of animated shorts that Iwerks did about the seasons. They are highly imaginative pictures of abstract ideas. I hope to upload other seasons soon.
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| Panchito, CartoonClassic Mel-O-Toons cartoon from 1960 about a little burro who couldn't hee-haw.
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| Superman, animationA gang using a rocket is terrorizing Metropolis unless their demands are met they will destroy the city.
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| animation, John Sutherland, businessOne of the animated series from the Extension Department of Harding College, and produced by John Sutherland, Why Play Leap Frog illustrates how the cost of production, overhead, the processing of raw materials, and labor combine to create the overall cost of a product.
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