Public Domain Movies released in 1942

The second film in the movie adaptation of Lum and Abner radio program.

Superman must stop a gang of train robbers who use a super powered car to steal a train shipment of gold.

Bela Lugosi. By day, professor of psychology. By night, proprietor of a soup-kitchen that serves as the base for his criminal activities. Tom Neal of "Detour" fame also appears.
"How often have I told you to keep that cat from desecrating my graves!"

Animation produced for the US Naval Department encouraging enlisted naval officers to purchase savings bonds.

A cabal of American industrialists, all fifth-columnists intent on sabotaging the war effort, are methodically murdered by the malevolent Monsieur Colomb. It is only until detective Dick Martin is assigned to the case that everyone's true motives and identities are revealed.

After a gorilla escapes from it's cage at the circus, Superman must save Lois, kids, animals and bunch of other people from the chaos that ensues.

Chester Morris plays a radio reporter.

A Native American scientist demands the return of Manhattan to his native people, or he will destroy the city with his electrically produced earthquakes.

A meek middle-aged spinster, get mistaken for the head of the Ma Parker gang.

A gang using a rocket is terrorizing Metropolis unless their demands are met they will destroy the city.
