Public Domain Movies released in 1936

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Mr. Bang makes a bet that the Toonerville Trolley can't get to the main train line on time. The bet is accepted without the knowledge of an upcoming tornado. Mr. Bang's wife saves the trolley and her husband.

From IMDb: A pair of detectives investigate the murder of an elderly millionaire who was the target of blackmail and death threats and find that there is no shortage of suspects, many of them in the victim's own family. Stars: Ray Walker, Berton Churchill, Irene Ware, Hobart Bosworth, Hedda Hopper, and E. E. Clive The 676MB MPEG4 file was derived from the 2.8GB MPEG2 found on this page.

Betty and Pudgy are on the roof of their tenement building, trying to get her pet pigeons back in their cage. One stubborn bird refuses to return to the roost, despite Betty's please. Pudgy, imagining himself a might hunting dog, attempts to catch the bird, with little success. When the pigeon gives Pudgy the slip, the little dog eventually wanders into the forest, where he falls asleep from exhaustion. The pigeon takes pity on Pudgy, and flies him back to Betty's home. When Pudgy wakes up on the roof, he tears up the picture of the hunting dog in frustration.
