
0636 PA8485 Odds and Ends (Hardcastle)

U.S. Army Production #705985 TVT-20653 U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center. Produced by U.S. Army Combat System Test Activity, OED, Images Tech.Br. Aberdeen Proving Gnd.Md.

0636 PA8485 Odds and Ends (Hardcastle)

U.S. Army Production #705985 TVT-20653 U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center. Produced by U.S. Army Combat System Test Activity, OED, Images Tech.Br. Aberdeen Proving Gnd.Md.

Frith Films presents, Builders Of The Broad Highway, Part 2. Produced and Photographed by Emily Benton Firth, Commentator Don McNamara.

Industry on Parade: A Pictorial Review of Events in Business and Industry, produced weekly by the National Association of Manufacturers. 0527 PA8190 Industry on Parade: Paperman's Paper, Ink Inc., Use and Discard

Western Electric-sponsored film about the history of their company.


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