wide screen

I'm not sure what the official name for this bird is, but we've always called it a "Liberty Bird." Nevertheless, it's a great bird to hang around your yard on the 4th of July.

A wide shot of upper Main Street, Gate City, VA.

This is Clip 1 from the Fortieth Archive release of our stock footage. This is a wide screen Video Clip of a Florida Beach. This clip is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these Stock footage Clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access. Please don't try to just sell this footage as stock footage. You must use the material in some creative way to possess any rights to it.

A compressed, long lens shot of an intersection.

Duck swims on river near a fallen log. Food floats by and she gobbles it down.

Clinch River - At the water's edge.

Real-time shot of dark, ominous clouds moving into the frame.


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