public domain

Public Access TV show "Weirdness Really Bad Movie" hosts public domain movies and ads clean comedy sketches enjoyable for the whole family. Today's film is the East Side Kids 1941 "Spooks Run Wild" with Bela Lugosi.

The copyright expired and was not renewed, so the film fell into "public domain", meaning that virtually anyone could copy it and sell it without having to pay royalties. That's why there are so so many shoddy, badly cut, grainy copies of it on the market, put out mainly by companies that specialize in public-domain films.

Taken from the IMDB: Legendary outlaw of the Old West Jesse James, on the run from Marshal MacPhee, hides out in the castle of Baron Frankenstein's granddaughter Maria, who proceeds to transform Jesse's slow-witted pal Hank into a bald zombie, which she names Igor.

David Webster escapes from prison after 15 years, having been framed by Fletcher Burton, a prominent businessman. He hides out with Li Fang, a Chinese politician and former friend of Webster's. In order to move about the city undetected, he disguises himself as a cripple, dragging himself about on a pair of crutches. At a local mission, he meets his daughter, a young girl known as "The Angel Lady" because of her many kindly deeds and good works. She befriends the cripple, unaware of his identity, and the two play songs together, he on violin and the girl on piano.

When expert safecracker, Joey Faust, escapes from prison he is aided by an ex-army Major. There is a price on the Major's help though. He needs Joey to steal some radium. Why? So he can build an invisible army. You can find out more about The Incredible Transparent Man at A Passion for Horror

A Lon Chaney Public Domain Feature

Abbot and Costello musical, based on the fairytale You can read more about this movie on it's IMDB page

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