
You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

After being killed by his twin brother, Elwyn Clayton rises from the grave as a vampire intent on ruining his brother's life. Find out more about this movie on it's IMDB page.

You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Union solders have stolen The General, a Confederate train manned by Johnnie Gray, who was unable to enlist in the Confederate army because he is needed as an engineer. The Union plans to use the train to supply its soldiers in a sneak attack against the Confederates. But now it's up to Gray and his love, Annabelle Lee, to reclaim The General, recross enemy lines, and warn the Confederates.

This great comedy western stars John Wayne,Maureen O'Hara,Patrick Wayne, Stefanie Powers,Chill Wills, and Strother Marten. There is a hilarious mudhole fight scene at the end.

Teenaged Mowgli, who was raised by wolves, appears in a village in India and is adopted by Messua. Mowgli learns human language and some human ways quickly, though keeping jungle ideas. Influential Merchant Buldeo is bigoted against 'beasts' including Mowgli; not so Buldeo's pretty daughter, whom Mowgli takes on a jungle tour where they find a treasure, setting the evil of human greed in motion. Nominated for 4 Oscars. Another 2 wins

Scandalous for it's time, "The Outlaw" directed by Howard Hughes, is the story of Billy the Kid, Doc Holiday, and Pat Garrett. The plot is thin at best, but we are introduced to a 22 year old Jane Russell which makes the film almost worthwhile.

US government propaganda film made during WWII touting the virtues of hemp. The film was aimed at farmers at a time when the miltary was facing a shortage of hemp, it shows how hemp is grown and processed into rope and other products. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Considered THE archetypal sensationalized anti-drug movie, but it's really an exploitation film made to capitalize on the hot taboo subject of marijuana use. Like many exploitation films of the time, "Reefer Madness" tried to make a quick buck off of a forbidden subject while skirting the Motion Picture Production Code of 1930. The Code forbade the portrayal of immoral acts like drug use.

In its time, "The Birth of a Nation" was a masterpiece. Its racist undertones and revisionism are quite disturbing, but it is still worth watching for its historical influence. IMDb entry: http://imdb.com/title/tt0004972/


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