Motion Pictures: Sponsored

JC Penney Company, Inc. produced sponsored film about textiles and quality control. 0554 PA8308 Quality Control in Modern Merchandising 022.08

0586 PA8230 Winning Against Odds

Title card: This film was made possible by the cooperation of: The A&P Coffee Division and the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company

Government-sponsored film about the building of the Boulder dam.

Story by Kensiger Jones, directed by John Kennedy. Produced by Premiere Hardcastle, St. Louis. 0551 PA8484 Always On Call 033.10;

Presented by the Committee on International Economic Policy, in cooperation with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, directed by Frank Donovan, shot by Don Malkames, edited by James Pozzi. Produced by Sound Masters, Inc.

Los Angeles Sanitarium and Expatients Home presents City of Hope, operated by the Jewish Consumptive and Expatients Relief Association. 0572 PA8041 City of Hope

0663 PA8643 These Are My People from 037.07; Columbia Gas System 1959

JC Penney Company, Inc. produced sponsored film about textiles and quality control. 0554 PA8308 Quality Control in Modern Merchandising 022.08


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