Motion Pictures: Sponsored

Western Electric-sponsored film about the history of their company.

0648 PA8725 Unidentified: American Fashion and Department Stores: The Pro-Mass Production View

PA8640 Mechanical Engineering at duPont

Industry on Parade: A Pictorial Review of Events in Business and Industry, produced weekly by the National Association of Manufacturers. 0590 PA8201 Industry on Parade: Plastic Age Anniversary

World Travelogue sponsored by Coca-Cola. 0731 PA8798 Wonderful World

Presented by LIFE and Fortune Magazines, an animated economic overview of the rise of the "middle income consumer." Directed by Steve Muffatti,animated by Ben Farish, Bill Hudson, Keith Robinson, and Howard Smith. Produced by Transfilm. 0661 PA8718 Opportunities Unlimited 16 Koda comp print;

World Travelogue sponsored by Coca-Cola. 0731 PA8798 Wonderful World from 037.08

Frith Films presents, Builders Of The Broad Highway, Part 1. Produced and Photographed by Emily Benton Firth, Commentator Don McNamara.

A presentation of Stran-Steel Division, Great Lakes Steel Corporation


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