
"Through the history of mankind, the times most recorded in mythology and song are those of great deed and fantastic adventures. Such a tale is the story of, "Thexus - The Last Man." Rynado warrior Thexus is called upon by the mystical spirits of the Cas'Lu forest to find an ancient artifact known as the Dragon's Tear. Forged from the bones of an evil king and boiled in blood, the magical idol would render the man who possesses it invincible. But, beyond the realms of the forest, a savage murder is committed by an evil Vanir Raider named Veldar.

Yet another version of this sci-fi/horror "classic." After being decapitated in a car crash, "Jan in the Pan" needs a new body, and deranged surgeon/fiancee Herb Evers begins stalking strippers with the hope of performing a full-body transplant and eventually getting the best of both worlds. Naturally, things do not go quite as planned.

I believe this is a clearer/sharper transfer of "Brain" than many (most?) of the others available in the Archive. Run time is 82 minutes, so all of the shocking gore (dismemberment, neck chewing) is intact.

A cleaner, crisper version of "Carnival of Souls."

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