Florence Lawrence

"Confidence" (1909) is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Florence Lawrence, Arthur V. Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

A young woman (Florence Lawrence) escapes from her troubled life in a bar to become a nurse.  Two years later she is happily married when someone from her past recognizes her and starts a repeated blackmail for money.  Her husband (Arthur Johnson) eventually finds out about her predicament and has a choice to make: either reject his wife or throw away the blackmailer.

"The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals" is a very short comedy directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Florence Lawrence and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

This is a rare attempt at comedy by D.W. Griffith.  Florence Lawrence has a prominent role together with John R. Cumpson.

You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.

"Money Mad" is a short crime drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Florence Lawrence and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Arthur Johnson has a small part as a bank teller.

"Resurrection" (1909) is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

A rich man has a brief affair with his maid.  Years later he sees the girl, which has been reduced to poverty and crime.  The man feels guilt and remorse for his responsibility in the girl's fate. Arthur V. Johnson and Florence Lawrence deliver very fine performances.

"A Drunkard's Reformation" (1909) is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur V. Johnson, Florence Lawrence, and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Robert Harron has a small role as a theater usher.


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