Fleischer Studios

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Sick zoo and farm animals come to Betty Boop's animal hospital seeking care from Nurse Betty.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: A young boy is learning to shoot a gun at the same time that a robin is trying to teach her babies to fly. Being a typical boy, he proceeds to shoot one of the baby birds. The robins hold a funeral which saddens the boy enough to make him break his gun. Rain starts to fall and wakens the baby bird who is not dead after all.

Any little girl that's a nice little girl (1930). A cat in a tophat is looking for a girlfriend this cartoon Star's Kitty lulu Belle/bell who isnt Betty Boop. Betty Boop can be seen in the backround & various pictures in this Cartoon (for example the girl with the bows in her hair).

Betty Boop Any Rags? (1932). Betty's voice is provided by Mae Questel. Any Rags, though her look & in general her character was now set. She'd truly & officially be called Betty Boop soon in that same year in Boop-oop-a-doop (1932).

Plot taken from IMDb: Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy for Mayor; he wins by one vote, but finds politics is no picnic. Urban renewal is parodied.

The 4th in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics series of cartoons. A boy gets trigger happy with his BB gun, but soon regrets it.

The 31st in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics cartoon series. This one is a little weird -- Littke Lambkins is a toddler who lives in the country and enjoys hanging out with his animal pals. When his parents decide to move into more modern digs in town, Lambkins sabotages the electric washer + wringer, ironing robots, and other conveniences, resulting in property damage and potentially fatal situations for his parents. They become disillusioned with the new house, move back into the old one, and Lambkins lives happily ever after.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty's baby won't go to sleep and is causing trouble around the house. It is up to Betty to develop a strategy to get the troublesome, mischievous child to sleep.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Four baby penguins stray away from their mother and stumble across a hunter's cabin. Their curiousity gets them into trouble and they must be rescued by their mother.

Betty and Pudgy are on the roof of their tenement building, trying to get her pet pigeons back in their cage. One stubborn bird refuses to return to the roost, despite Betty's please. Pudgy, imagining himself a might hunting dog, attempts to catch the bird, with little success. When the pigeon gives Pudgy the slip, the little dog eventually wanders into the forest, where he falls asleep from exhaustion. The pigeon takes pity on Pudgy, and flies him back to Betty's home. When Pudgy wakes up on the roof, he tears up the picture of the hunting dog in frustration.


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