
Big Town After Dark is a 1947 American film noir drama film directed by William C. Thomas and written by Whitman Chambers. The film stars Phillip Reed, Hillary Brooke, Richard Travis, Ann Gillis, Vince Barnett, Joe Sawyer and Robert Kent.

Perlinger Archive classic auto clips spliced into retro-modern commercial.

The 25th in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics series. A country couple visit the World's Fair, where they marvel over the wonders of modern technology.

A non-aquatic bird's egg is introduced into a duck's nest. Problems ensue, along with a happy ending. The Color Classics series was Fleischer Studios' attempt at keeping up with Disney. This is the tenth in the series, and is in the public domain.

The 4th in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics series of cartoons. A boy gets trigger happy with his BB gun, but soon regrets it.

The 31st in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics cartoon series. This one is a little weird -- Littke Lambkins is a toddler who lives in the country and enjoys hanging out with his animal pals. When his parents decide to move into more modern digs in town, Lambkins sabotages the electric washer + wringer, ironing robots, and other conveniences, resulting in property damage and potentially fatal situations for his parents. They become disillusioned with the new house, move back into the old one, and Lambkins lives happily ever after.

A variation on the story of Hansel and Gretel, with a miser as the villain. The Color Classics series was Fleischer Studios' attempt to keep up with Disney. This is the second in the series, all of which are in the public domain.

In this, the 18th of Fleischer's Color Classics series, cartoon characters attempt a symphonic performance. One gets the impression that this cartoon was, to some degree, an ancestor of Disney's Fantasia.

The 15th in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics series of cartoons, in which orphans receive defective Christmas presents, and Professor Grampy comes to the rescue.

The 20th in Fleischer Studios Color Classics cartoon series, in which a young fish learns to pay attention to his school lessons.


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