
Derivative Korean animated film, possibly edited from multiple sources. Low quality entertainment.

Derivative Korean animated film, definitely edited from multiple sources. Low quality entertainment.

"No planet was safe!" There are two ways to appreciate these movies. The first is to have a full, open bottle of bourbon in hand while viewing them. The second is to appreciate the freaky, random confluence of events that brought them into being. The first thing to appreciate is that South Korea embargoed foreign movies, especially animation, for a lengthy period of time. This meant that not only was there a dearth of programming for SK TV, it also meant that native studios could rip off foreign intellectual property, and their viewers would have no idea that they were watching knockoffs.

Is a microscopic giant robot still a giant robot? And do our bodies really contain microscopic planets, suns, galaxies, and so on? According to this movie, the answer is YES. Another masterwork mash-up of various Korean animations by Hong Kong schlockmeister Joseph Lai, watching this movie will redefine "pain" in your mind. From an outside review:

So basically, it’s The Fantastic Voyage but with giant robots and Robin Hood’s Merry Men.


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