
Summertime by UB Iwerks, 1935. This is one of a series of animated shorts that Iwerks did about the seasons. They are highly imaginative pictures of abstract ideas. I hope to upload other seasons soon.

This is the Ub Iwerks animated version of the famous fairy tale.

This is the same film found elsewhere on the Archive. I have added a genewric music track for easier viewing.

A Max Fleischer cartoon circa 1936. It was one of the Fleischer color classics series.

1950's Russian animation about a rabbit. Directed by L. Amalrik. Dubbed into English.

This one is a 1946 classic cartoon from one of my encrypted boxes.

Derivative Korean animated film, possibly edited from multiple sources. Low quality entertainment.

Blender 2.5, animation, sound, tutorial, lip sync, characters, dialogue, TOBOR, robot

Gabby helps to clean Lilliput's castle. Gabby is the know-it-all town crier of Lilliput from the movie Gulliver's Travles (1939).

animation of star wars action figures, used to make these all the time as a little kid.


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