"The Song of the Shirt" is a short, but poignant social drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Florence Lawrence and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Arthur Johnson has a small part as a waiter, and Robert Harron appears as a stock boy.

A young seamstress desperately looks for work, trying to help her very sick sister.

Music video that shows the power of love and family

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"The Luck o' the Foolish" is a nice Mack Sennett short comedy, directed by Harry Edwards and starring Harry Langdon and a charming 16 year young Marceline Day, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

"A Midsummer Night's Dream", produced by Vitagraph and directed by Charles Kent, is a short film based on the fantasy play of Shakespeare, featuring Florence Turner, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.  

Viewers are advised to read the plot that follows before proceeding with the film.

"In the Border States" is a short Civil War drama directed by D. W. Griffith, featuring cinematographer Billy Bitzer, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

The film deals with the human aspect of the war.  Representatives from both conflicting sides are forced to choose between the loyalty to their banner and the higher moral obligation to humanity.

A comic, religious baseball fantasy. Lightweight and farfetched, nevertheless the cast makes it work.

National Archives Description: "DRAMATIZED TRAINING FILM: Shows how officers may or may not enter premises with or without a search warrant and illustrates effects of violation of rules, elements of compliance, and conditions of breaking and non-application of rules." National Archives Identifier: 12139 Part 2 is here: FORCIBLE ENTRY: EXCUSE AND TRICKERY. Part Two (1974)

Filmbeelden van de Rampendag op het Veluwemeer dd: 14 mei 1977. Filmblik vermeldt: R.IJ.P.film, wat na enig onderzoek staat voor de Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeer Polders. Op de beelden, zonder geluid, is te zien hoe de oefening verloopt, inclusief boten, helicopters en noodtenten.

"The First 100 Years" is a nice Mack Sennett short comedy, directed by Harry Sweet and starring Harry Langdon and Alice Day, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.  Even though only 14 minutes of the original 20 minutes survive, the film is very entertaining with a lot of action, laughs and scares.

You can see a slideshow of stills from this film and other interesting stuff on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.


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