"The Cricket On The Hearth" is a short drama directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

The film is based on the novella "The Cricket on the Hearth" by Charles Dickens.  Arthur Johnson plays the role of the minister.

The film does not have intertitles.

"Lucky Jim" is a short comedy directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring cinematographer Billy Bitzer, a star of Silent Hall of Fame.

Arthur V. Johnson and Florence Lawrence have bit parts as wedding guests.

We trust that silent film lovers will not judge harshly the quality of the print. Many early D.W. Griffith films are only available in a paper print format, and we are all very lucky that they have survived the trials of time for us to enjoy.

This is Clip 2 from the Seventeenth Archive release of our stock footage. This footage is from the Myakka River State Park in Florida. This clip is a shot of The Canopy Walkway. This footage is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these Stock footage Clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access. Please don't try to just sell this footage as stock footage. You must use the material in some creative way to possess any rights to it.

This is Clip 4 from the Seventeenth Archive release of our stock footage. This footage is from the Myakka River State Park in Florida. This clip is a shot of The Canopy Walkway. This footage is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with titles and countdowns so they are easier to use. COMMENT: I am releasing these Stock footage Clips for free so that editors who can't afford footage will have access. Please don't try to just sell this footage as stock footage. You must use the material in some creative way to possess any rights to it.

"TRAINING FILM: Emphasizes proper police procedures. Opens with a briefing at Sheriff's office. Hold-up of liquor store and cashier shot. Two officers shot in street responding to call of armed suspect seen. Shows correct way to make felony car stop; to give radio warning of armed suspect. Encourages officers to follow proper procedures and there by reduce probability of accidents."
National Archives Identifier: 12118

"Corner in Wheat" is a short social drama, directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

A greedy speculator decides to "corner" the wheat market, artificially raise the price on the market and profit from this.  He is successful and makes a huge amount of money, but his action has disastrous consequences in real life, where the price of bread doubles, many people cannot afford it any more, wheat growers are ruined and the supply of charity bread is drastically reduced.

"Politician's Love Story" is a short comedy directed by D.W. Griffith, featuring Arthur Johnson and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame. Florence Lawrence also gets a credit for the film, but it is difficult to spot her.  We did see and took a picture of D.W. Griffith as he makes a little acting appearance in addition to the director's job (see it on our website silent-hall-of-fame.org.).

"True Heart Susie" is a drama directed by D. W. Griffith. This film illustrates the work of actor Robert Harron and cinematographer Billy Bitzer, stars of Silent Hall of Fame.

Susie (Lillian Gish) is a plain schoolgirl secretly in love with her handsome neighbor Bill (Robert Harron).  She follows him around and he enjoys her company, but can't find the courage to kiss her.  When Susie finds out that Bill wants to go to college, she sacrifices the dearest thing she and her aunt have - their cow - to gather the money for his education.

Extremely boring stock footage of a road in Mount Dandenong, Victoria, Australia. (video 7)


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