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The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)


When expert safecracker, Joey Faust, escapes from prison he is aided by an ex-army Major. There is a price on the Major's help though. He needs Joey to steal some radium. Why? So he can build an invisible army. You can find out more about The Incredible Transparent Man at A Passion for Horror

The Amazing Transparent Man is a 1960 science fiction film starring Marguerite Chapman. It is an United States B-movie which follows the story of an insane ex-U. S. Army major who uses an escaped criminal to steal materials to improve the invisibility machine his scientist prisoner made.<></> It was one of two sci-fi films shot back-to-back in Dallas, Texas by director Edgar G. Ulmer (the other being Beyond the Time Barrier, also released in that same year).<></> The combined filming schedule for both films was only two weeks. The film was later featured in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
The film has received very poor reviews and suffered in popularity as a result of its low budget. Leading science fiction author David Wingrove commented in his Science Fiction Source Book that "Its cheap-budget origins show throughout. Amazing claims too much for what is essentially a thriller involving an escaped criminal..."


Former U. S. Army major, Paul Krenner (James Griffith), plans to conquer the world with an army of invisible soldiers and will do anything to achieve that goal. With the help of his hired muscle, Julian (Red Morgan), Krenner forces Dr. Peter Ulof (Ivan Trisault) to perfect the invisibility machine Ulof invented. He keeps Ulof’s daughter, Maria (Carmel Daniel) imprisoned to keep Ulof in line.
The nuclear materials Ulof needs to better his invisibility machine are extremely rare and kept under guard in government facilities. Krenner arranges the prison break of notorious safecracker, Joey Faust (Douglas Kennedy), to steal the materials he needs. Of course Faust will do the jobs while invisible. Krenner offers Faust money for the jobs and Faust expresses his grievances against working for him. Faust tells him that he’ll sing like a canary if he’s returned to prison. Krenner tells Faust that he’s wanted alive or dead. Faust reluctantly complies. However, when he meets Faust’s woman, Laura Matson (Marguerite Chapman), he slowly charms her into a double cross.
Faust continues attempting to escape and tries to get one over on Krenner. It looks like he may have the edge on Krenner when Faust attacks Krenner while invisible. However, Dr. Ulof’s guinea pig dies and, during the second time he’s invisible, Faust uncontrollably reverts from invisible to visible and back again. Despite these drawbacks Faust forges ahead intent on breaking free from Krenner’s control.


{| class="wikitable"
! Actor
! Role
| Marguerite Chapman || Laura Matson
| Douglas Kennedy || Joey Faust
| James Griffith || Maj. Paul Krenner
| Ivan Triesault || Dr. Peter Ulof
| Boyd 'Red' Morgan || Julian
| Carmel Daniel || Maria Ulof
| Edward Erwin || Drake
| Jonathan Ledford || Smith
| Norman Smith || Security guard
| Patrick Cranshaw || Security guard
| Kevin Kelly (actor) || Woman
| Dennis Adams || State Police officer
| Stacy Morgan || State Police officer
| Lon Chaney, Jr. || The Butcher


The film was made by Miller Consolidated Pictures who gave it a brief release in 1960. It was then picked up by AIP and released the following year.

See also

  • List of films in the public domain

  • =Bibliography=

  • Wingrove, David. Science Fiction Film Source Book (Longman Group Limited, 1985)
  • Online Trailer] at at

    Category:1960 films
    Category:American films
    Category:English-language films
    Category:Mad scientist films
    Category:1960s science fiction films
    Category:American independent films
    Category:Black-and-white films
    Category:American International Pictures films
    Category:Invisibility in fiction
    Category:Films featured in Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes
    Category:Films directed by Edgar G. Ulmer
  • More Public Domain Movies




