
Detailed documentation of the "World of Tomorrow" in beautiful Kodachrome.

Silent film version of Daniel Defoe's novel Robinson Crusoe, directed and produced (and starring) M.A. Wetherell. In three parts.

AMEDD Office Basic Course, LP # 44 150 100 00 Military Courtesies (1 of 2)

JC Penney Company, Inc. produced sponsored film about textiles and quality control. 0554 PA8308 Quality Control in Modern Merchandising 022.08

0586 PA8230 Winning Against Odds

0697 PA8758 Amateur Film: Northwest 16 Koda sil orig pix

Educational film about how steel is used to make highways, including problems that occur with time and use.

Title card: This film was made possible by the cooperation of: The A&P Coffee Division and the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company

0740 PA9002 Letter From an Airline Pilot 16 B&W print


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