
A Tale of Two Kitties is an American Merrie Melodies cartoon, released in 1942, notable for the first appearance of a flesh colored canary, who would come to be known as Tweety. It was directed by Bob Clampett, written by Warren Foster, and features music by Carl W. Stalling. It was also the first appearance of Babbit and Catstello, based on the popular comedy duo Abbott and Costello. The title is an obvious pun on the Charles Dickens classic, A Tale of Two Cities.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: A fortune teller tries to work his magic in order to get up close & personal with Betty. He shows her the days of her youth in his crystal ball as well as her being stranded on a deserted island. Then he shows himself rescuing her from the island, but also inadvertently releases an unsavory group of ghosts who chase the pair through a jungle that also magically appeared. The pair loses the ghosts using the hollow-log-over-the-cliff trick.

Plot taken from IMDb: Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy for Mayor. He wins by one vote, but finds politics is no picnic. Urban renewal is parodied.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty, her dog Bimbo, & Koko The Clown are in a car race where Betty wins even though she is under the weather.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Wiffle Waffle proposes to Betty Boop, but she tells him that she wants to marry a "bronco busting" cowboy. He heads off to a dude ranch to learn how to become a real cowboy.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Sick zoo and farm animals come to Betty Boop's animal hospital seeking care from Nurse Betty.

Five children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve, and decide to give him some extra help around the workshop.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Sick zoo and farm animals come to Betty Boop's animal hospital seeking care from Nurse Betty.

Plot taken from IMDb: Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy for Mayor; he wins by one vote, but finds politics is no picnic. Urban renewal is parodied.


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