
Felix fights in the big war, Cats Vs. Mice.

Felix the Cat tries and help rescue a mans wife who has been kidnapped.

A Walter Lantz cartoon from the 1930s. "This cartoon, based on the "Reg'lar Fellers" comic strip, was originally made for Ipana Toothpaste and was going to be released theatrically. It never got released to theaters, but was eventually bought by Castle Films and released exclusively to the home movie market (with the plugs for Ipana Toothpaste removed)." (

The 31st in Fleischer Studios' Color Classics cartoon series. This one is a little weird -- Littke Lambkins is a toddler who lives in the country and enjoys hanging out with his animal pals. When his parents decide to move into more modern digs in town, Lambkins sabotages the electric washer + wringer, ironing robots, and other conveniences, resulting in property damage and potentially fatal situations for his parents. They become disillusioned with the new house, move back into the old one, and Lambkins lives happily ever after.

Felix travels around the world through cable.

Felix makes a wish to travel to fairyland.

From The Public Domain Movie Database: Betty's baby won't go to sleep and is causing trouble around the house. It is up to Betty to develop a strategy to get the troublesome, mischievous child to sleep.

Hungry Felix tries to steal some food and fails. He then decides to "Go West" to "The Land of Opportunity" by hitching a ride on an airplane. When he gets to his destination, he has encounters with the local wildlife and Indians. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Felix has trouble catching fish on his own, so he tries to steal some. The shop owner throws a can at Felix and gives him an idea: go to Alaska, where the fish are plentiful and large, and try to catch some there. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.


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