
Mel-O-Toons sometimes erroneously called "Mello Toons", was a series of animated cartoons produced in 1960 by New World Productions and syndicated by United Artists. It featured various folk tales, Greco-Roman myths, Biblical stories, some original stories by author Thornton Burgess, classic stories, even adaptations of classical music and ballet. The soundtracks were often taken from existing children's records, licensed from the original labels. 104 cartoons, each about 6 minutes long, were produced in limited animation.

Pvt. Snafu suffers the consequences of not keeping his equipment and weapons properly maintained.

Mel-O-Toons sometimes erroneously called "Mello Toons", was a series of animated cartoons produced in 1960 by New World Productions and syndicated by United Artists. It featured various folk tales, Greco-Roman myths, Biblical stories, some original stories by author Thornton Burgess, classic stories, even adaptations of classical music and ballet. The soundtracks were often taken from existing children's records, licensed from the original labels. 104 cartoons, each about 6 minutes long, were produced in limited animation.

Stop motion of actionman and chewie singing whilst two smiley faced dewwbs play one hand of pokero smily faces play poker

From The Public Domain Movie Database: A fortune teller tries to work his magic in order to get up close & personal with Betty. He shows her the days of her youth in his crystal ball as well as her being stranded on a deserted island. Then he shows himself rescuing her from the island, but also inadvertently releases an unsavory group of ghosts who chase the pair through a jungle that also magically appeared. The pair loses the ghosts using the hollow-log-over-the-cliff trick.

April Maze 1930 - Felix takes his nephews, Inky and Dinky on a picnic that is complicated by rain, and a food swiping rabbit and bear.

When Molly Moo Cow gets stranded on Robinson Crusoe's island, Crusoe doesn't want her there, then Crusoe gets caught by scat-singing natives and Molly comes to the rescue.

Private Snafu learns the hard way about the need for military dicipline and procedures to maintain an effective army.

I began to take a video camera out at night and peek into hundreds of other people’s windows, just for a few seconds at a time. I wasn’t sure quite why I was doing this…

Plot taken from IMDb: Betty Boop campaigns for Grampy for Mayor. He wins by one vote, but finds politics is no picnic. Urban renewal is parodied.


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