Public Domain Movies - Cartoons


Tom and Jerry, Animation

You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Superman: Terror on the Midway


Terror on the Midway August 28, 1942

Spanish Twist, A

Animation, Tom and Jerry

You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Tom and Jerry: The Tuba Tooter

Tom and Jerry, Van Beuren Studios

Plot taken from IMDb: A German "ohm-pah" trio is incomplete until their tuba player arrives on a boat from overseas. The resulting quartet brings the whole town out for a German dance party, until the police arrive to take the "tuba tooter" to jail.

Felix the Cat - Felix Revolts (1923)

Felix, The, Cat, Revolts, 1923

People of the city ban cats, and Felix lets them know that life isn't so great without cats.

Tom and Jerry: Redskin Blues

Van Beuren Studios, Native Americans, Jewish Indian

Plot taken from IMDb: Tom and Jerry find their wagon west attacked by Indians, but escape only after being rescued by all the branches of the military, including the Army's tanks. A cartoon with lots of music and action as well as ethnic stereotypes the 1930s way: "An unremarkable wild west cartoon is improved by the comedy of the unexpected. Numerous seemingly fat, cloaked Indians are unwrapped to reveal beautiful girls; when the cavalry leader uncloaks the Chief, he's revealed as a Jewish caricature.

Felix: All Puzzled

Classic cartoon, 1920s, Felix

Felix has to help his master find the answer to a crossword puzzle before he is allowed to feed. Like other Felix cartoons, this one contains ethnic stereotypes. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Felix the Cat in April Maze

Classic cartoon, 1930s, Felix

Felix attempts to have a picnic with his friends, only to have the weather be uncooperative. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Jungle Drums


You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page.

Little Lulu: Bored of Education

little lulu, animation, 1940s

Little Lulu: Bored of Education is a classic cartoon featuring Little Lulu and her classmate Tubby as they experience a series of events out of a history book. Produced in 1946, now in the Public Domain.
